Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Kangaroo Care

Tonight was a good night.  Bubba held David, and I held Margot for a little over an hour.  We are loving "Kangaroo Care", which is when we hold them "skin-to-skin" on our chests.  It is supposed to be good for them - and is definitely good for us!  :)  They are both so cute and precious!  And they both gained weight.  Margot has now surpassed her birth weight.  She is 2 lbs, 12 oz, and David is 3 lbs, 4 oz.  Here is Bubba holding David (with me joining in).

We went to see them before lunch, too.  David was all smiles.  The nurse put a warm blanket on him because his temperature was slightly low, and he got very relaxed - too relaxed.  He had an episode where she had to stimulate him, so off came the blanket.  

Margot was very squirmy and fussy.  I changed her diaper - she is getting close to moving up a size from the "extra small" preemie diapers to the regular preemie diapers.  David already has moved up to these.  Margot was crying when we left, which was so hard....

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