Monday, July 20, 2009

Back to work

Today is my last day before going back to work!  12 weeks of maternity leave have flown by.  I am apprehensive about how tomorrow will go (logistically - getting ready for work, getting the twins ready to go to my parents', etc).....Hopefully I can get to bed early tonight!

We had our first walk a couple of days ago!  The weather here has been unseasonably gorgeous, so we decided to take advantage of that.  The cuties aren't quite big enough for their new side-by-side double stroller (that work gave me - thanks!), so we used the double snap-n-go that holds their car seats.  We planned our route and then panicked because we got all the way past the mid-point and found that a bridge we needed to cross was out.  Totally out.  No way to cross over.  There really was no alternative but to back-track, so our hour long walk ended up being an hour and a half.  David started screaming his hunger scream about 4 houses away from our house, so it worked out.  But whoa, that was a close one!  :)

Martha and Chris came over on Friday night, and after we put the babies to bed we went outside for a fire.  

Martha with David:

Chris with Margot and David:

Mommy and Daddy at the fire (with the baby monitor, of course!):

First time for Denise to hold both babies at the same time:

A sweet picture of Baba and Margot (you can see David in the background, too):

David and Margot love their Sweet Peace.  So does Kitty!

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